Thursday, March 27, 2008

This Saturday!!

Only 2 more days until the celebration and there are just a few things I wanted to remind you of:

1) Be sure to bring all of your collected pledges to the event in order to be eligible for prizes - all checks should be made payable to Southeast Pug Rescue and Adoption.
2) Looks like the weather will be great, but bring an umbrella just incase, this is a RAIN OR SHINE event!
3) Registration is from 8am-9am. Look for us in the decorated park shelter.
4) Wear your walking shoes! The track we will use for our victory lap is ~ 1/2 mile long.

From 1-24 - Take Exit 66B - Sam Ridley Pkwy East, Smyrna
Turn RIGHT at the light onto Mason Tucker Dr. (The YMCA is on the left)
Hilltop - Rosenwald Park is at the end of the residential neighborhood on your right.

***Just now seeing this???***
It's not too late to join us!! Even if you haven't been walking and taking pledges all along you are still welcome to join us for the celebration this Saturday! Prizes start at a $20 donation to Southeast Pug Rescue, so bring your check book and join the fun!

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